Move Axis Hotkey for Maya

Move Axis Hotkey for Maya

I have this small snippet of code (MEL) to make changing the Move tool’s axis from ‘World’ to ‘Local’ quicker. It’s best used by setting it as a hotkey under ‘Hotkey Editor’ – I use the ‘M’ key. It’s so much easier to change the move axis by just pressing a key and it’s surprising how much time it saves.

Copy the code into a text editor as plain text before you past it into Maya otherwise you’ll get an error.

int $MoveAxis = `manipMoveContext -q -mode Move`;
if ($MoveAxis == 0) { manipMoveContext -e -mode 2 Move;
print "World move axis has been set"; } else if ($MoveAxis == 2) { manipMoveContext -e -mode 0 Move; print "Object move axis has been set"; }

Also see how to create a Rotate Mode Hotkey here.

Feature film animator.

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