A Sketchy Easter in Berlin

A Sketchy Easter in Berlin

P1050682 copyThis bank holiday wochenender I have been having a bit of a sketch. I wanted to draw the different ways people walk so I’ve been sitting like a weirdo scribbling on street benches around Berlin.
I’ve also been to a few cafes to draw.. I’ve had a nice relax.
Most of these drawings take no more than a few seconds. When somebody is walking past that’s normal but even for the people in cafes I try to not stare for too long. Lest I look like a major weirdo.
Also… two young boys walked up to me yesterday while I was drawing an abandoned building somewhere in the east. In Britain this would be to abuse me so I prepared myself. They just wanted to look through my sketchbook and complimented what I was doing!
A writer in a cafe today told me about some old German poet called Heinrich Heine. So I’m culturing myself tonight and having a read / trying to translate bits of it!

Feature film animator.

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